Module 1

Module 1.2 - Why do you use or want to use tablets in your teaching? 

I've been working with pc and other devices in classroom since several years now (so my headteacher, parents and colleagues are definitely convinced!!).
Now I am working with a mixed and mobile setting, including tablets of course (and laptops and smartphones, and I find it extremely useful.
As for tablets they are easy to use, foster communication, encourage exploration, allow multiple ways of learning ...
Moreover, as they are easy to carrry, we can use them in our outdoor lessons, to collect material, notes, pictures and then work on them in the classroom.
Tablets allow an immediate connection with real world, help students to focus on specific problems and look for solutions.
Let's think about some transversal skills: critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, initiative and risk assessment, decision-taking. By using tablets students can find better solutions to the problems posed and enhance their competences.

Module 1.3 - What whole-school challenges do I already face or do I anticipate facing when using tablets?

I agree with Diana about a step by step implementation in our schools. Deep changes cannot happen suddenly so we have to be careful with our students and colleagues in order not to scare them!
In my school we began three years ago just with one class, now we are regularly work with two but other groups are beginning to work and share.
Tablets are useful but, as Diana said, nothing is effective if you don't have a clear pedagogical idea.
That is why I try to share theories, models and best practices with my colleagues. We can do it via Google Apps for Edu, which has become a common tool for the majority of the teachers of our school.
To sum up: little by little, step by step, experimenting "that" app because it helps me to reach "that" pedagogical aim...
Rome wasn't built in a day.... ;-)

Module 1.4 - What classroom challenges do I already face or do I anticipate facing when using tablets?

As Diana said, if you are a teacher in a secondary school, two of the biggest challenges are:
1. difficulties in changing the setting of the room
2. difficulties in changing the mind setting of teachers
The two difficulties, in my school, are often joined, that is why I think that the second one is the more important to break.
Moreover, another challenge, in order to foster collaboration, is the use of tablet in a shared way. In my experience, the best solution is not 1:1 device, but 1 device every 3-4 students.
Using tablets for outdoor activities is another goog challenge that can motivate and enhance students' competences.

Module 1.5 - App for Teaching: Edmodo. Are you using Edmodo in your classroom? How is it working for you? What advice can you give to other teachers? 
I've been using Edmodo since three-four years. I find it very useful, mostly with my adult students. With my students of secondary school I prefer Google Apps for Edu, but just because we've got a shared domain that allows us to do a lot of things.
Nevertheless, Edmodo is one of my favourite tools, you can create groups, shared libraries, tests and so on...

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